On April 28, 2006, Aaron Henkin interviewed Dr. Salcman on air about the science of poetry and the poetry of science on WYPR’s The Signal; the interview is archived on the radio station’s web site and the poems can be heard at www.salcman.com. There are plans to feature this interview on the web site of The Cortland Review.
The day after the official publication date of The Clock Made of Confetti, January 28th, 2007, Dr. Salcman’s three careers as neurosurgeon, art historian and poet, were the subject of a major feature article and interview by Mary McCauley, “Incisive Mind”, on p.1 of the Sunday Art & Entertainment section of the Baltimore Sun. The article is archived on the web site of the newspaper.
Susan McCallum-Smith, the literary editor of Urbanite Magazine, did an on-air review of The Clock Made of Confetti and read from several of the poems on WYPR’s Maryland Morning on March 16th, 2007. The review was archived on the show’s web site and is also available here.
On April 8, 2007, the Sunday Ideas section of the Baltimore Sun carried an article, “The Idea Machine”, in which Mary McCauley interviewed Dr. Salcman in regard to his theories about the brain and creativity (the brain as a metaphor making machine.) The article is archived on the web site of the newspaper.
In the December 2007 issue of Baltimore Magazine, Dr. Salcman’s views on art collecting were discussed in the article “Their Houses are Museums” by Geoffrey Himes, archived on the web site of the magazine.
Interviews with Dr. Salcman can be found in the 2008 issue of Grub Street (Towson University) and on-line in the Winter 2008 issue (vol.IV no.4) of The Loch Raven Review. Reviews of The Clock Made of Confetti can be found on-line at the web sites of Rattle and The Boxcar Review.
On June 21, 2010, Salcman and his poem “Cutting Apples” from Alaska Quarterly Review are featured on Poetry Daily.
In 2011, Salcman and his poem “Contra Chekhov” from New Letters are featured on Verse Daily.
On June 5, 2011, Linda Pastan and Michael Salcman give a joint reading for their new books, Traveling Light and The Enemy of Good is Better, at The Writers Center in Bethesda, Maryland.
A suite of Salcman’s poems are set to music by Baltimore composer Lorraine Whittlesey and premiered on stage at An Die Musik, April 28, 2012.
Two poems, “Sitting Shmira” and “Autumn Sonnet” from The Clock Made of Confetti are included in the Library of Congress Bibliography of poems about 9-11 at https://www.loc.gov/rr/program/bib/911poetry
On February 14, 2013, Salcman lectures and reads poems on the topic of love and the brain in the DASER program at the National Academy of Sciences, Washington, DC.
For the first time Salcman gives a poetry reading in the city of his childhood when he participates in the Lunar Walk Series on January 12, 2014 at the Two Moon Café in Park Slope, Brooklyn.
On February 12, 2015, Aaron Henkin interviews Dr. Salcman about Poetry in Medicine, his forthcoming anthology of classic and contemporary poems about doctors, patients, illness, and healing , on WYPR’s The Signal; the poetry reading is archived on-line.
Poetry in Medicine, Dr. Salcman’s anthology of classic and contemporary poems about doctors, patients, illness, and healing, is published to wide acclaim in March of 2015. It receives a very strong review in Booklist. Within a few weeks of publication Amazon lists it as the number 1 new poetry anthology and the number 1 new book on doctor-patient relations. Poetry in Medicine has been used as a text in courses on narrative medicine and poetry.
For the first time, Dr. Salcman returns to the Neurological Institute at Columbia University, where he trained in neurosurgery, to give a poetry reading about Poetry in Medicine in November, 2015. See the January 30, 2016 on-line article and review in Intima, a journal of narrative medicine.
A Prague Spring, Before & After receives the 2015 Sinclair Poetry Prize from Evening Street Press and is published in August, 2016 with a suite of photographs by Lynn Silverman, professor of photography at the Maryland Institute College of Art (MICA).
On the fifteenth anniversary of 9-11, Margaret Soltan, professor of English at George Washington University, chooses “Autumn Sonnet” to analyze on her Blog, University Diaries
A Prague Spring, Before & After receives an outstanding review by Charles Rammelkamp on November 1, 2016 in v.12 no.4 of the on-line magazine Ragazine.
A Prague Spring, Before & After receives a penetrating and sensitive review by Christopher George in the Loch Raven Review, volume 12 no.2, 2016